Call Melanie Koenemann at (803) 772-7400 to schedule an appointment with one of our priests. Then we'll issue a letter of good standing.
Contact Dc. Gerard Couture ((803) 456-7890 or, who is in charge of our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program. The program starts by inquiry (simply answering questions about Catholicism to people who are interested), but for those who want to continue, will eventually prepare candidates to receive the sacraments of initiation and enter the Church.
Call our parish office: (803) 772-7400.
Call Melanie Koenemann (803) 772-7400 to schedule an appointment with one of our clergy. Then we'll schedule the necessary marriage preparation and set a date.
Call Peggy Williams ((803) 772-7400, ext. 1050 or to schedule a funeral and begin to make arrangements.
Fill out this form or stop by the office during business hours to fill out the paper equivalent of the online form.
If you're sick and would like someone to bring you Holy Communion, call Sr. Christina ((803) 772-7400 ext. 1020) to request someone visit you with Holy Communion. We generally strive to get back to you within 24 hours.
If it's an emergency, call (803) 772-7490 and a priest will be with you as soon as possible. If it's not an emergency, call (803) 772-7400 and someone will call you back during business hours to schedule a time for the anointing.
Call Melanie Koenemann ((803) 772-7400) to request a copy of your sacramental records.
Call Melanie Koenemann at (803) 772-7400 to schedule the baptism and the accompanying preparation classes. If the person to be baptized is age 7 or older, classes are needed; call Jackie Brace ((803) 772-7400 ext. 113 or to begin the process.
Find that ministry's home page and contact the appropriate person.
Email Peggy Williams:
Fill out this form.
Email Melanie Koenemann:
120 Marydale Lane
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 772-7400