Submission: Please submit your announcement request through the Form below. Do not send any requests via email or in person.
Format: We recommend using the following example to format your announcement--
1. A brief story/description
2. Who
3. What
4. When
5. Where
6. Contact person with phone number/email
DEADLINE: Form must be submitted no later than two (2) weeks prior to publication.
INCLUSION: All requests are reviewed prior to publication. The Pastor reserves the right to not publish announcements as he sees fit. Once approved, the editor reserves the right to edit the diction and length of your announcement.
CONTENT: Only announcements that target the entire parish will be included in Mass (pulpit) announcements. Information about internal meetings should be disseminated by emails or phone calls/Whatsapp or Flocknotes.
CONTACT: Please include your contact information in the announcement. Do not direct people to call the Parish Office for more information about your event.
FILE FORMAT: Any ad/flyer needs to be uploaded in the Form above - either as a DOC, PDF, PNG or JPEG file.
DURATION: Pulpit Mass announcements will run no longer than two (2) weeks before the event.
Thank you for submitting your announcement. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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120 Marydale Lane
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 772-7400