Children must attend school on a regular basis
Children must maintain a C+ or numerical equivalent grade in each subject
Children must be actively contributing members to a positive school environment by:
Good behavior
Good example
Good participation in school activities
Family must maintain regular attendance and contribute in a recordable way-time, talent, treasure to Our Lady of the Hills Parish.
*Treasure contributions-use of church envelopes
*time/talent contributions-family signs ministry sheet with time/talent needs of the parish and how they will help contribute to these needs
Each family will meet with the Pastor and member(s) of the tuition assistance committee to go over the above expectations. This meeting will take place before the beginning of the new school year. The family understands that if no recordable time, talent, treasure is given the parish will not offer tuition assistance for the following year. It has been recommended by the tuition assistance committee that effective 2025 the amount of assistance does not exceed 50% of the total tuition cost.
St Peter School will send to Our Lady of the Hills Parish
Tuition schedule for the 2025-26 school year
Names and addresses of family, child(ren) grade levels
Note: Financial Assistance is given to children in grades 5K-grade 6
Completed F.A.C.T.S. forms from each family
All applications are due by February 24, 2025
Note: All applications and F.A.C.T.S. information come through St. Peter School to Our Lady of the Hill
Los niños deben asistir a la escuela regularmente
Los niños deben mantener una calificación de C+ o equivalente numérica en cada materia
Los niños deben ser miembros que contribuyan activamente a un ambiente escolar positivo mediante:
Un buen comportamiento
Un buen ejemplo
Una buena participación en las actividades escolares
La familia debe mantener una asistencia regular y contribuir de manera registrable (tiempo, talento y tesoros) a la parroquia Our Lady of the Hills.
*Contribuciones de tesoros: uso de sobres de la iglesia
*Contribuciones de tiempo/talento: la familia firma una hoja de ministerio con las necesidades de tiempo/talento de la parroquia y cómo ayudarán a contribuir a estas necesidades
Cada familia se reunirá con el pastor y los miembros del comité de asistencia para la matrícula para repasar las expectativas anteriores. Esta reunión se llevará a cabo antes del comienzo del nuevo año escolar. La familia comprende que si no se proporciona tiempo, talento o tesoro registrable, la parroquia no ofrecerá asistencia para la matrícula para el año siguiente. El comité de asistencia para la matrícula ha recomendado que, a partir de 2025, el monto de la asistencia no supere el 50 % del costo total de la matrícula.
La escuela St. Peter enviará a la parroquia Our Lady of the Hills Calendario de matrícula para el año escolar 2025-26
Nombres y direcciones de la familia, niveles de grado del niño(s)
Nota: Se brinda asistencia financiera a los niños de kinder hasta sexto grado
Formularios F.A.C.T.S. completos de cada familia
Todas las solicitudes deben presentarse antes del 24 de febrero de 2025
Nota: Todas las solicitudes y la información de F.A.C.T.S. se envían a través de la Escuela St. Peter a Our Lady of the Hills
ESTF Renewal for Current Recipients
Schools received a communication from the Department of Education yesterday, Wednesday, Dec. 11 regarding the Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) renewal process that will open this Friday, Dec. 13.
Despite the state Supreme Court ruling that funds can no longer be used to cover non-public school tuition, there is a great deal of momentum. The legislature is willing to address the constitutional concerns in the original legislation and restore the program in its entirety, allowing the funding to nonpublic schools to continue. The Catholic Conference is very optimistic that the legislature will find a remedy soon. Additionally, funds can still be used for other academic expenses, such as tutoring, school supplies, technology, etc.
On Friday, Dec. 13, the Education Scholarship Trust Fund application will open for scholarship renewal for current recipients of the program. Students already in the program will receive priority consideration for the 2025-2026 school year funding. We strongly encourage all current recipients to renew their scholarship.
The renewal process will require recipients to ensure they still meet requirements for the program:
have attended a public school during the 2023-24 school year OR are entering kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year;
have a household income at or below 300% of the federal poverty line; and
are South Carolina residents.
Parents will receive an email from ClassWallet on Friday to let them know about the renewal application opening.
New Student Applications Open Jan. 15
The application for new recipients will open on Jan. 15, 2025. Please note, more students will be eligible for the program this academic year, as the family must have a household income of 300% or less of the federal poverty limit. We will send additional information as soon as possible.
2024-2025 School Year Quarter 2 Payments
Palmetto Promise sent an email to all schools with ESTF students statewide. Please note, we are following a slightly different process than explained in that email, since Palmetto Promise released your tuition funding to the diocese, and we distributed the funds to the Catholic schools.
Q2 Tuition: Schools with current ESTF students should refer to the email sent by Shaileen on Dec. 4 for specific details. Funding for Q2 tuition will come from the diocese before Christmas break.
Outstanding Q2 Invoices: A few schools still have outstanding Q2 invoices. Shaileen contacted these schools directly. These invoices need to be submitted as soon as possible.
Q3 and Q4 Tuition Invoices: Schools will submit these invoices in January/February. Funding will only be provided for submitted invoices. Please do not upload these invoices until you receive notification.
We will continue to communicate with you as we know more. Please feel free to contact Shaileen Riginos at sriginos@charlestondiocese.org with any questions.
We wish you a peaceful Advent as we prepare our hearts to receive the Newborn King.
120 Marydale Lane
Columbia, SC 29210
(803) 772-7400