Planning Process for Renovation and Preservation of the Church Building

Zurima Martinez • 25 June 2024

As members of the Our Lady of the Hills community, we embark on the ongoing task of renovating and preserving our beautiful Church building. Having been given the gift of faith through the celebration of the sacraments, we seek to live our Catholic faith and bring our gifts and talents to the Church. In this way our ancient Catholic faith may be preserved, and our building may serve our needs as we offer God fitting worship through the Sacred Liturgy.

We acknowledge that what we have, we hold for a short period of time. We inherited something beautiful due to sacrifices of parishioners and of their forefathers, and hope to pass on something beautiful to those who come after us. We are committed to a Church building renovation and preservation project using the feedback and participation of our faithful, and techniques and materials that are consistent with the architecture of the Church and long lasting into the future.

With the help of God, we hope to renovate, preserve and conserve its elements of beauty so that its original design and architecture may be known to us and future generations. We desire this for our Church so that we will have a beautiful building that we will be proud to show our relatives and friends who come to town, and continue to have a place where people will come from our congregation and greater community to pray and experience the beauty of God.

Calling upon the grace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the intercession of our Blessed Mother, we humbly undertake this project with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Cash Balance Report as of May 31 2024

Multi-Purpose Building Account: $1,114,840.26

Savings Account: $625,980.81

Operating Account: $70,155.24

Restricted Columbarium Account: $78,838.56

Operating Columbarium Account: $36,441.06

Cemetery Account: $24,668.11

Youth Group Ministry Account: $4,790.75

New Evangelization Ministry Account: $8,539.87

Mano Amiga Ministry Account: $14,080.20

Women's Group Account: $5,126.63

Cub Scouts Account: $193.43

Notations: (i) The cash balance of the Multi-Purpose Building Account and the Savings Account total $1,740,821.01. (ii) The offertory collection, the most important source of parish income, is projected to increase 4.8% year-to-year, from $1,168,658 in fiscal year 2023 to $1,224,973 in fiscal year 2024.


Because of the generosity of our parishioners in their direct giving to the Bicentennial Campaign, the cash balance of the Multi-Purpose Building account has increased to $1,114,840.26 (as of May 31, 2024) from proceeds shared fifty percent (50%) to Our Lady of the Hills to fund the renovation and preservation of the Church building (please see “Planning Process for Renovation and Preservation of the Church Building” below). The cash balance of the Savings account of the Parish equates to $625,980.81 as of May 31, 2024.

For this reason, we do not need to incur any form of debt to fund the renovation and preservation project of the Church building. We will not apply for a loan from the Diocese of Charleston or any financial institution.

Renovation and Preservation Project

By its design and construction, the Church building serves the rites of the Church and the devotion of the faithful. The renovation and preservation of it will foster our encounter with God who dwells in all holiness, reflecting our faith and the cultures of our congregation.

Proposed Budget

1. Base bid renovation: $576,777

2. New pews with new seating capacity: $168,372

3. Narthex add alternate: $159,082

4. New exterior entrance canopy: $120,000

5. Parking lot expansion: $47,924

6. New sound system: $35,000

7. Hazardous materials testing and abatement: $30,000

8. Architectural and engineering services: $60,000

9. Design contingency: $50,000

10. Construction contingency: $50,000

As of today, the kickoff of the renovation and preservation of the Church building is scheduled for November 1, 2024, taking into consideration the project timeline of the expected sequence and schedule of work required to complete the planning process of it. From kickoff to closure, the project is estimated to take approximately 5 months.


A project of this size and scope is not possible without the faithful support of many volunteers. Each has dedicated time and talent to discuss possibilities of what we want the next years to be, by attempting to understand the intention of our members of two generations past. This is a long held, deep-rooted faith community. As such, we are grateful for what we have here and hope to live up to the example from past generations. Once the planning process phase is completed, more volunteer opportunities will open to all members of the Parish.

On-Going Improvements

In addition to the planning process mentioned below, Father Bruce, Father Santiago, Sister Christina and the Parish Staff have prayerfully worked to prioritize the needs of our Parish to fulfill the mission of this beautiful project. We understand the success of it is totally dependent upon the active involvement of the total Parish. As such, focused on renovating and preserving the Church building to the best of our ability, the following advancements are presently taking place.

  • Ample opportunity will be provided for information to be presented to parishioners (i.e. relevant content updated on a weekly basis). Effective and applicable procedures will be established for how the Parish will communicate and share information to all members of the congregation (e.g. reliable and interactive online and digital communications platforms, such as the website, bulletin, e-mail blast, text blast, social media outlets, new Parish app, and other channels of communication).

  • We are welcoming new members to the Parish Renovation Advisory Committee to ensure its body represents the total Parish community and engages additional appropriate expertise within Parish membership. Current members include LeAnne McGrath (Chairperson), Deborah Bernhagen, Rick Carone, Beth Jacky, Jose Francisco Pilero Rojas, Daylin Silber, Jaqueline Saminathan, and Carlos Zamarron. If you have the expertise and are interested in joining the Renovation Advisory Committee, please click on the button below.
Renovation Advisory Committee
  • As we continue to seek out further ideas, needs, and opinions of the faithful, we have assembled an online platform for the Parish at-large so all members of the Parish can present their feedback with the objective of increasing the efficiency of gathering congregational input. Our goal is to listen to all members’ needs and concerns as we promote a culture of openness, responsiveness, and ongoing improvement within the congregation. Please take a few minutes of your time to fill out the 2024 Renovation and Preservation Project form by clicking on the button below.
2024 Renovation & Preservation Project Form
  • We are developing a varied and vibrant Music Ministry with the main purpose of enhancing the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music, and to provide beauty to the liturgy through music. Membership will consist of two musicians from each weekend Mass, the Pastor and Parochial Vicar.

  • Starting on July 2, we will commence the Ask Father Bruce sessions where our pastor will be available to receive parishioners phone calls (803-772-7400) to answer any and all questions they may have concerning the planning process of the renovation and preservation of the Church building. Ask Father Bruce will take place on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

  • The Parish Staff is clearly (re)defining roles and responsibilities during the next weeks. Every role within the Parish Staff has key responsibilities that address the needs of the Parish, its members, and the greater community. For this sole reason, it is vital that they are (re)defined effectively to help streamline the workflow of the Office, ensure accountability, and support the productivity of the staff and the efficiency of the Parish, among others.

Planning Process for Renovation and Preservation of the Church Building

Letter from Father Peter Sousa to the Congregation

September 2, 2018

Father Peter Sousa informed the congregation about the Bicentennial Campaign through the weekly bulletin. “For us at Our Lady of the Hills whose yearly offertory is just over one million dollars, our target is set at $1,160,000. As part of the plan to strengthen parishes, half of the money collected in each parish will return to the parish. This means that in 2024 our parish will have half a million dollars available to strengthen our parish life.”

“The issue before us is to determine what we might need to enhance our worship, our evangelization, our faith formation or our social life. To facilitate that decision, I would like to call a Parish Town Hall on Monday, September 24 at 7:00 PM to surface thoughts and ideas of how our parish could be enhanced by the funds that will come back to the parish from the Campaign.”

Letter from Father Peter Sousa to the Congregation

October 21, 2018

Father Peter Sousa communicated to the congregation about the Town Hall meeting. “On September 24 we held a Town Hall meeting which 25 members of the parish attended. They expressed what they thought were significant ways to use the campaign funds to strengthen our parish life. Many excellent projects were suggested. We took a straw vote and the top three projects with the most support focused on the Church building, the gym, and expanded parking.”

“To have a better idea of what most would want, we will conduct a survey at all Masses on the weekend of November 10 and 11 so that parishioners can indicate what projects are most important to them. We will then have a final meeting of all interested parishioners to determine the projects that our portion of the capital campaign will go towards.”

Letter from Father Peter Sousa to the Congregation

December 2, 2018

Father Peter Sousa reported to the congregation the results of the survey. “A few weeks ago, many of you completed the survey of what you believe is the most important project to enhance our parish life… The results of the survey showed that the two top projects were those of expanding our church building. The chief project chosen was to expand the church’s right side to increase seating by 200 and use this expanded area for a daily Mass chapel and for adoration. The second project that had the most interest was to expand the narthex to the parking lot and build a covered drop-off area. Expanding the church in both ways makes a lot of sense.”

“The third most important improvement was the addition of more parking spaces in the area east of Marydale Lane. More study is needed to see how many spaces can be added but it will be something we will investigate. The fourth improvement was the church organ and sound system. There has already been some discussion on this project. The fifth concern was to improve the gym and relocate the HVAC units to the outside.”

“The next step will be to discuss the results at the next Pastoral Council meeting and Finance Council meeting. We will look at the feasibility of these projects. We will also need an architect to give us a rendering of these projects and the approximate cost.”

Letter from Boudreaux Group to Father Peter Sousa

December 11, 2018

Boudreaux Group, an architecture firm who specializes in design and engineering serving the Charlotte and Columbia areas (for more information, visit, provided a proposal letter to Father Peter Sousa regarding the “Church and Narthex Expansion and Porte Cochere Design.”

“On December 11 we reviewed rough hand sketches of the following 1) a 160 seat church and narthex expansion with a porte cochere to the north, 2) a 50 to 75 seat chapel to the south, 3) a 120 seat chapel to the west that would also act as church overflow seating and 4) a 200 seat church expansion to the west.”

“Based on conclusions from this preliminary design review meeting, Boudreaux is happy to provide this proposal to provide Concept Design for a church seating and narthex addition with additional restrooms, which also includes a porte cochere at the front entrance.”

“The church expansion will include an approximate additional 160 seats and a narthex expansion which is twice as large as the existing narthex.”

“The design work will also include a site plan which will illustrate the future chapel addition of approximately 50 to 75 seats to the south, an additional seating expansion of approximately 200 seats to the west, and modifications to the parking lot for the drop off lane under the porte cochere and associated sidewalks.”

Letter from Father Peter Sousa to the Congregation

January 13, 2019

“The survey in November indicated that a majority wanted some expansion of the church and a larger narthex. The firm, Boudreaux Architects from Columbia, is putting together a preliminary rendering for expansion of the church using the current narthex area and then creating a new, larger narthex in the area of the current front walkway, from the front door and bell tower to the sidewalk. They will also include a covered drop-off area in the design. We will have more detailed information in February.”

Letter from Father Peter Sousa to the Congregation

March 31, 2019

“Over the years many people have complained that during events, especially in the summer months, the noise of the air conditioners was so distracting they had to be turned off and then the gym warmed up and people in the gym were uncomfortable. This project was one of the issues that was discussed during the town hall last September and in the survey done in the fall.”

“The estimated cost will be $60,000. Due to your generosity and tithing, we can pay for it from our operating budget… This fiscal year (we) are $58,022 above what we planned for our weekly budget. This will provide a space that will be less noisy during conferences, Knights of Columbus events, dinners, special events, special Masses, and Cursillo weekends. I hope and pray this will enhance the parish life.”

Letter from Father Peter Sousa to the Congregation

March 31, 2019

“Your (Bicentennial Capital Campaign) pledges add up to $1,855,645. That means our parish will receive $1,203,145 from that total. The Diocese will receive a total of $652,500 (this includes the 50% share of the target equaling $580,000 plus the 25% share of the next 25% equaling $72,500). All funds beyond this point will stay with our parish.”

“For the success of our building project, we will still need more before we can build. Again, any pledges of gifts made from this point on will stay with Our Lady of the Hills Parish.”

BCC Update from Dave McCarthy, Finance Council Chair, and Tom Jones, Bicentennial Campaign Chair, to the Congregation

September 2023

“Before campaign kickoff, Our Lady of the Hills created a parish plan to expand our Sanctuary seating and Narthex. Estimated cost was approximately $2 million (2019 dollars). A loan will be required to pursue the initial parish plan. The Finance Council determined that it is highly unlikely that OLOH can afford repaying a $1.5+ million loan even if approved by the Diocese.”

“Parish Leadership is evaluating other projects and associated costs to allow parish member input on how to utilize our campaign proceeds. Further details will be announced as available. Examples of such projects include: seating expansion, altar improvements, needed sanctuary infrastructure improvements, walkway cover, parking expansion, other projects as identified.”

“Parish member thoughts, questions and concerns are welcome.”

Finance Council Meeting Minutes

November 20, 2023

“Church expansion: Fr. Bruce proposed to use the Multi-Purpose Building account and not the Savings account. Fr. Bruce’s plan of renovation: remove the wall behind the altar, put Joseph and Mary back in the front, add three (3) pews in front of the current pews, put the Tabernacle in the middle of the altar.”

Finance Council Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2024

“Fr. Bruce laid down the proposed capital project as follows: Sound/Video System: a. Gym - 24k to 30k, b. Parish hall (downstairs) - 13k to upgrade the sound system at the hall and be able to have flexibility to play videos in different formats. The Finance committee approved both projects for a total cost of say $75,000. Father mentioned to present the proposal to the people who use the gym for retreat and added that he already has offers to help with the project and is waiting for the final call from them.”

“Capital projects approved and will be charged to the balance sheet: GYM Floor - refinish the floor = $13,650 (to be done on Easter weekend), New Copy Machine = 8k (already paid).”

“Review of the latest Boudreaux Church plans: New Holland pews = $168,372 – from a 100 year-old company located in Lancaster County, PA.”

“Fr. Bruce showed the plan for the renovation of the altar. Increase the seating capacity to almost 50%. Father recommended showing the plan to the parish. Altar: 4 steps down to 2 steps per Renovation Advisory Committee. Blessed Sacrament to be moved to the center behind the altar.”

“Capital campaign = 450 seats, (down from) 575 to 446 total. Current seating capacity is 305. The pews are said to be organically friendly. Fr. Bruce mentioned having another meeting with the Architect, Randy Huth.”

New Holland Church Furniture Project Proposal

February 19, 2024

“For your project we are recommending plain sawn red oak. This lumber is popular amongst catholic churches for its beauty along with its hardness factor.”

“All lumber we use carries a grade level of Firsts and Seconds to assure highest quality and attractive appearance. This is the highest and most defect-free grade of lumber and we use it in all of our components.”

All wood surfaces are tinted with premium stains that are Hand Rubbed into each wood surface and Cross Wiped to make sure the wood grain is thoroughly covered with an even coat. All wood surfaces are then blended to assure an even tint range of the various pieces of wood. After staining, the wood surfaces are sealed with a premium Vinyl Sealer, and then hand sanded with 220 grit sandpaper. The final step in the process is to apply Sherwin Williams #4 Conversion Varnish (AWI Certified) to provide a superior finish which protects against the dirt, oils and acid that comes from human contact. This system will protect the wood.”

“Pew seating count: 441 people (10 additional in choir).”

“Pews and Frontal Screens quote (totals) $168,372.82. Details: choice of New Holland standard fabric, choice of New Holland stain, delivery and installation included, 25-year warranty on pews and 5-year warranty on cushions, payment terms: 30% deposit at contract and balance due at installation, lead time: 9 months.”

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2024

“Fr. Bruce would like for everyone in Pastoral Council to take on a leadership role under one of our Parish’s events. As well as open the Council to all Parish Members, especially those of different cultures to reflect our Parish’s diversity.”

“Church Design: Fr. Bruce showed a proposed layout for higher occupancy. Quotes are pending. Eventually an insert will be shared with plans and an announcement of a Town Hall Meeting for parishioners to ask questions.”

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2024

“Start announcing Pastoral Council meetings to invite listeners— this may mean having to move meetings down to the Parish Hall or Gym to fit more people.”

“Fr. Bruce would like to invite the Council to bring up our Parish’s different needs, so that together we can organize something to address it.”

“Space in the church: Spanish Masses are full and only have standing space. Tentative planning for the church’s expansion: Fr. Bruce handed out copies of the drawings for the inside and outside of the church. With this plan, seating will increase from 300 to 450 and 23 spaces will be added to our parking.”

Finance Council Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2024

Father Bruce Barnett updated the Finance Council on matters concerning the renovations of the Church building. At 6:50 p.m., the following items were discussed: “Family Life Center and Gym sound systems, Church pew quote and order, review latest with Boudreaux, (other) quotes to discuss and review.” Afterwards, the finance council had an open discussion on the subject. The Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Letter from Boudreaux Group to Father Bruce Barnett

April 11, 2024

Robert Randall Huth, Executive Vice President of the architecture firm Boudreaux Group, provided a summary of the project costs to Father Bruce Barnett regarding the “2024 Church Renovations, Schematic Design Renovation Budget Costs.”

“As requested below is a summary of the project costs we identified in our meeting on 04.09.24 based on schematic drawings provided by Boudreaux. The construction costs were provided by Nick D Pizzuti with Construction Now LLC. The Pew cost was provided by New Holland. The sound system costs were provided by the Church. The budget cost including the Canopy Allowance, Design Contingency, Hazardous Materials testing, and abatement and Construction Contingency were agreed upon in the meeting. Boudreaux provide the A/E Service budget.

- New Pews with new seating capacity: $168,372

- New Sound System budget: $35,000

- Base Bid Renovation: $576,777 (Includes all work except what is included in alternates below and includes Carroll’s Electric Services cost that we provided to OLOH)

- Narthex Add Alternate: $159,082

- New exterior Entrance Canopy Add Alternate Allowance: $120,000

- Parking lot Expansion Add Alternate: $47,924

- Design Contingency: $50,000

- A/E Services budget: $60,000

- Hazardous Materials testing and abatement budget: $30,000

- Construction Contingency $50,000

Total: $1,297,155

Rounded Project Budget: $1,300,000”

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2024

“Church Renovation: the new design will be posted along with the total cost of $1.3 million. This design will increase capacity, will have all new pews, a drive-through/drop-off entrance, and there will be an increase of parking spaces (tentative town hall meetings in May to discuss with parishioners). This also means the church will be closed from August to December leading to some events (that) will need to be cancelled/moved due to renovations.”

Letter from the diocesan Building and Renovation Advisory Committee (BRAC) to Father Bruce Barnett

May 2, 2024

Reverend Monsignor Richard Harris, Vicar for BRAC, wrote a letter to Father Bruce Barnett summarizing the BRAC meeting of April 11 to review the renovation and preservation of the Church building.

“The committee had the following comments on the schematic designs for the interior renovation to increase seating in the church: a) the restrooms should be rearranged to add a privacy wall between the door and stalls, b) confirm that the turning radius of the drive is sufficient for larger cars (hearse or limo) to navigate under the canopy, c) is there a plan for future parking? and confirm whether the county or town will accept the newly added parking spaces as sufficient for the added capacity in the building, and d) confirm whether an additional HVAC unit is needed to accommodate the additional capacity.”

“The above items should be responded to in writing and the plans updated where appropriate. When the permit drawings are complete, they should be reviewed at the next available BRAC meeting.

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2024

“Fr. Bruce: we have an opportunity to have 60 new parking spaces for a reasonable cost, $150,000 approximately, but it’s outside the scope of the original project, but it’s a great price and we won’t have a similar opportunity in the future.”

“Open Floor for Visitors:

- Parishioner: let’s get a perpetual adoration chapel with a door with a code.

- Fr. Bruce: the multipurpose room is still not decided as to its purpose, so this is possible.

- Fr. Santiago: maybe we need a committee to investigate the adoration chapel. - Fr. Bruce: Fr. Santiago will make a list of things we need to consider this question.”

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2024

“Church Renovation: We will be constructing a committee to help make decisions and recommendations in regard to our church. (LeeAnn McGrath was selected as the chairperson.) The Pastoral Council will review the list of names that came in for this committee and vote / give feedback / make recommendations for members of this committee.”


As we humbly undertake this project, let us keep going wholeheartedly together. Let us encourage each other. Let us pray for each other. Let us turn to our Blessed Mother for her undeniable protection. God’s people will experience God’s abundant care and faithfulness when we walk in prayerful obedience and faith. To Jesus through Mary, may He continue to protect and richly bless all of you and your families!

Church Renovation FAQ
by Zurima Martinez 10 February 2025
A Letter from Father Bruce Una Carta de parte del Padre Bruce
by Zurima Martinez 7 February 2025
Announcements // Anuncios
by Zurima Martinez 3 February 2025
ES: Aquí las últimas donaciones que ha podido hacer nuestra Sociedad de Mano Amiga. Cada donación trae esperanza y apoyo a quienes enfrentan dificultades económicas. Si gusta y puede apoyar este gran ministerio, el 15 y 16 de febrero tendrán una Venta de San Valentín saliendo de todas las misas. Las ganancias serán para ayudar a los enfermos y necesitados de nuestra comunidad. EN: Here are the latest donations made by our Mano Amiga Society. Every donation brings hope and support to those facing economic difficulties. If you would like to and can support this great ministry, there will be a Valentine’s Day Sale on February 15th and 16th after all Masses. The proceeds will go to help the sick and needy in our community.
by Zurima Martinez 31 January 2025
Announcements // Anuncios
by Zurima Martinez 24 January 2025
Announcements // Anuncios
by Zurima Martinez 23 January 2025
EN: A huge thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who braved the cold and rain last Saturday to help clean up the area around the pavilion! Your hard work means so much, and we're beyond excited for what’s ahead. We can't wait to see a soccer field and volleyball court ready for all the fun and memories we'll create together in the future! ES: ¡Un enorme agradecimiento a todos nuestros increíbles voluntarios que enfrentaron el frío y la lluvia el sábado pasado para ayudar a limpiar el área alrededor de la cabañita! Su esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros, y estamos muy emocionados por lo que viene. ¡No podemos esperar a ver el campo de fútbol y la cancha de voleibol listos para toda la diversión y los recuerdos que crearemos juntos en el futuro!
by Zurima Martinez 17 January 2025
Announcements // Anuncios
by Zurima Martinez 10 January 2025
Announcements // Anuncios
by Zurima Martinez 8 January 2025
EN: Over the Christmas holidays, several dedicated volunteers from our parish generously gave their time, skills, and materials to complete two much-needed improvement projects. Rick Holden, Harold Cecil, Guiseppe Sita, and Fred Miller worked to install beautiful new vinyl flooring in four bathrooms of the Family Life Center, carefully removing, cleaning, and reinstalling the toilets in the process. At the same time, Fred Miller and Antonio Moran led a hardworking crew to rebuild the collapsing carport roof of the rectory house, preventing further damage and enhancing the beauty of our parish grounds. These projects not only improve our facilities but also reflect the spirit of generosity and care that makes Our Lady of the Hills such a special community. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to each volunteer for your time, dedication, and love for our parish. ES: Durante las vacaciones de Navidad, varios voluntarios dedicados de nuestra parroquia dieron generosamente su tiempo, habilidades y materiales para completar dos proyectos de mejoras muy necesarios. Rick Holden, Harold Cecil, Guiseppe Sita y Fred Miller trabajaron para instalar hermosos pisos de vinilo nuevos en cuatro baños del Centro de Vida Familiar, quitando, limpiando y reinstalando cuidadosamente los inodoros en el proceso. Al mismo tiempo, Fred Miller y Antonio Moran organizaron un equipo trabajador para reconstruir el techo derrumbado de la cochera de la casa sacerdotal, evitando más daños y mejorando la belleza de los terrenos de nuestra parroquia. Estos proyectos no solo mejoran nuestras instalaciones, sino que también reflejan el espíritu de generosidad y cuidado que hace de Nuestra Señora de las Colinas una comunidad tan especial. Desde el fondo de nuestro corazón, gracias a cada voluntario por su tiempo, dedicación y amor por nuestra parroquia.
by Dan Fitzgerald 4 January 2025
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